Tuesday, April 21, 2015


  A few weeks ago I was listening to a podcast by James Dobson.  The topic was how children need their fathers.  I was thinking even at the age of 32 I still need my dad.  I still get butterflies in my stomach when my dad says he loves me or he is proud of me.  I can see it with my own children.  They long to have Kevin's approval.  Kevin told McKenzie the other day how she looked pretty in her new dress.  She had a grin from ear to ear.  My sisters and I decided we wanted to share a few memories about our dad.  He is just the cutest thing ever.  He loves his girls and his girls love him.  So here are some memories/favorite characteristics about our dad, Harold Tull.  I'll go in birth order.

Stephanie is the oldest sister.  She is married to Scotty.  They have three children, Zac, Spencer and Emery. 

Memories of dad??  I have at least 29 years worth ( ok maybe 45, but lets not bare all the family secrets) Sorry Steph! Had to include that! I know this is weird, but when dad would get home from work, me, mom,and Rachel(then Katie was not born) would pile up on the bed while he changed in the closet and we would usually spend an hour or more talking about our day.  This was the favorite time of my day and I always felt safe. (unless I had done something wrong and they just hadn't found out about it yet) It was something I looked forward to and missed every summer.  We always ate together.  When mom was staying at home she would cook wonderful meals and then Rachel and I would fight about how the other one was not cleaning up the kitchen the best.  When mom worked, we went out to eat and I loved that because we would have the most meaningful conversations about everything imaginable.  There are way too many individual memories to list here.  I will say that they provided us with a good solid foundation.  They did not teach us that we are perfect kids and let us make our own mistakes.  When we did make mistakes they punished us accordingly and helped us see what we could do differently next time.  They gave me the confidence to do things that I was so fearful of doing.  I specifically remember on my first day of graduate school, I was still going through a divorce and custody battle, and knew that I was going to be the younger one in all my classes and our financial future depended on me doing well in my classes.   After I got up from the fetal position in my closet the first morning, I could almost hear my parents saying, "Get up.  you can do this and you can take care of your children with God's help!" My parents were there helping me through every step of the way.  After I graduated, I took a job in North East Arkansas.  I was scared to death!  I did not know one person and it was the farthest I had been from my family.  As my parents were about to leave after helping us move in my dad said," We can be here in just a couple of hours if you need anything at all." No matter what we are going through, my parents have taught me to do what is right, admit my mistakes and sins and after seeking forgiveness from the people I've wronged to move forward with God. Through life's ups and downs my dad has always been here for all of us.

Rachel is the middle sister.  She is married to Blake and they have 3 children, Sam, Jake, and Gabriel. 
  It's hard to narrow down one memory or quality I admire.  One that has been on my heart lately is when I was in college and working for dad in the summer on break.  That was a special time for me because we would go to lunch about once a week or so and just talk about life.  I felt like dad could read me like a book(and still can), so there was never any pressure to be something that I wasn't.  His advice and genuine interest in me made me feel like I could do anything and plus he always paid for lunch and never told me I couldn't order the $12 grilled cheese from the airport café. When I am with dad, there is such security.  I am free from burdens, because my dad carries those for me.  Even though I'm 40 year old and have children of my own, there are few places where I am more at home then with my dad,  when he is around I really like who I am, I leave his presence grounded, whole, and ready to face life- until the next time I see him and he takes my burdens so I can rest. 

Katie- Obviously you all know who I am.  I am the youngest sister.  I am married to Kevin and we have 5 children, Riley, Chris, Kenzie, Fenley, and Oliver.
  When I think about my dad I instantly go back to being a little girl and him tucking me in at night.  He would always come in my room and talk with me awhile and then pray with me.  It finally stopped when I was in 8th grade because I thought I was too cool.  I still wish that my dad could come tuck me in every night, talk with me and pray with me. I love that my dad loves my mom.  I've never seen someone love their wife like my dad.  They are best friends.  My dad one time did the 12 days of Christmas with my mom.  Some of the gifts were big, but some where just $10 gifts.  It was so much fun seeing the excitement on my mom's face when my dad would come home after work and present her with a gift.  My parents have been married since 1969.  It will be 46 years this November.  46 years!! As most of you who read my blog know, I was not the best teen.  I turned far away from God and my parents.  When my world came crashing down it was my dad that rushed to take care of myself and McKenzie.  He filled the role of dad until I met Kevin.  When I married Kevin he took Riley and Christopher in like his own.  There was no distinction made between blood grandchildren and adopted grandchildren.  Christopher reminds me so much of my dad.  If we go somewhere and the kids need to stay with someone Chris always says, " You know I'm staying with Papaw."  He adores my dad.  I love the connection that they have. We were just there a few weeks ago and my dad asked Chris where his paper bag was.  Chris looked at him with confusion.  My dad said," You know, the bag to cover up your ugly."  HaHa!  Christopher has even repeated the line to his sister several times.

Thank you dad for taking care of us girls!  We love you more than you will ever know!!  Don't worry mom, we are coming after you next!  My next blog will be about our mom, Brenda Tull.  She is a truly the woman of Proverbs 31. 

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